“Go and BE Disciples!”

“…yes, each person is doing the best they can at any given moment, [AND] all people everywhere, including here, including all of us, have been hurt by something or someone, even if that hurt was not intended… All people everywhere, including here, including all of us, have been wounded in our innermost being, even as we have been loved… 

It’s the reality of the fallen human condition.

And, all people in all places, including here, including each of us, desperately long to be deeply seen and known, and loved exactly as we are…”

“Showing Our Scars”

John 20:19-31 April 16, 2023 “After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord….Then he said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.’ Thomas answeredContinue reading ““Showing Our Scars””

“Pick Up Your Mat and Walk”

John 5:1-9 May 22, 2022 When Jesus saw him lying there, knowing that he had already been there a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?” The sick man answered him, “Sir, I don’t have anyone who can put me in the water when it is stirred up. When I’m tryingContinue reading ““Pick Up Your Mat and Walk””

“Whole and Healed”

“Are any among you suffering? Are any cheerful? Are any among you sick?” In those three questions, pretty much all possible states of existence are covered! And in response to all three of them, James says, effectively, “Turn to God. Remember God. Call on your faith.” As part of a community of faith….

“Claiming Our Belovedness: Embracing Our Nakedness”

Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7; Matthew 4:1:11 Rev. Deborah Church Worley March 1, 2020 White Rock Presbyterian Church “Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked;  and they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves.” (Genesis 3:7) I haven’t ever done a sermon series before, but I decided lastContinue reading ““Claiming Our Belovedness: Embracing Our Nakedness””

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